The automobile leaf spring is the most traditional elastic element in the automobile suspension system. It has the advantages of good reliability, simple structure, short manufacturing process, low cost and greatly simplified structure.

Zhejiang Funiu Leaf Spring CO.,LTD

成立于2003年,注册资金4000万元,总资产8000万元,占地130余亩, 建筑面积45000平方米,是一家专业生产汽车钢板弹簧的民营企业。公司坐落于浙江湖州经济开公司坐落于浙江湖州经济开发区内,距申苏浙皖高速10公里、申嘉湖高速5公里、杭宁高速青山出口12公里...

Add: Qiaotu Xizhuang, Linghu town, Huzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China    Tel: +86-572-3301025    Fax: +86-572-3301005    Mail
CopyRight ©2018  Zhejiang Funiu Leaf Spring CO.,LTD